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Site references: OPC, PLC communications with I/O scanning and modem support for Modicon Modbus, Allen-Bradley Data Highway, SLC 500 serial DF1 protocol, Opto22, Modbus, AB, SLC 500, SLC 5/03, SLC 5/04, DH, DH+, MicroLogix, ModBus, Modicon, MMI, Operator Interface, HMI, SCADA, User Interface, Visual Basic, VB controls, OCX, ActiveX, controls, ModBus protocol, PLC, programmable controllers, DF1 , Data acquisition, Alarming, Trending, SPC, Data logging, Modbus, Industrial notebook computer enclosure, Notebook computer, Enclosures, Computer enclosures, Industrial computer, SA-85, Industrial, Industrial Controls, Modbus.SLC 500, Data Highway, DataHighway, AB, Data highway driver, Modbus driver, Modbus communications, Data highway communications.